Monday, June 11, 2018

Doshers Gochugang-Mayo-Sauce

This sauce is the Bomb. This sauce has many uses and I will attemt to capture just a few below. As some of you know I Sous-Vide a lot and this sauce makes a great schmear for searing. Not all but many use mayo for their grilled cheese sandwiches because of it's ability to act as a conduit for heat transfer. The flavors and sugar content makes everything brown up every well too. It's also a great dipping sauce too. It's awesome on Buffalo wings and just about everything. Easy to assemble and only takes 5 minutes if that.

Note-This sauce is great for hot wings too. Just make sure to add lots of butter and kick it up more with sriracha. What I would do? I would melt butter in pan and add sauce and adjust to make the perfect wing sauce. I would also add some acid too like Lime juice or rice wine vinegar to kick up the acid levels.

Examples of recent dishes…..
These Flat-Iron steak was SV and topped with the sauce for the sear. They were Faux-Aged with Fish-Salt and Warm-Aged too.

Sliced extremely thin…
Covered in sauce….
Beef Lettuce wrap………
Sous-Vide Chicken thighs……Sv @ 140 𝓕º for 3 hours….Topped with sauce for the sear. 

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